Washes gently with micro-size bubble.
・Generates diameter 3 to 10 micro-meter super micro
bubbles. (1 ㎛ = 1000 mm)
・Each bubble gets deeply into fabric and removes
・Minimizes damage to be caused from a detergent and
a revolving drum.
Sanitizes with ozone.
・Negative ion strips off stains and prevents
・Exhibits significant power to sanitize and
deodorize a laundry article by means of oxidization effect of ozone.
・Safe not to remain or accumulate on clothes.
Wet cleaning to be carried out by being equipped to a
laundry machine
・It is possible to easily adapt this product to
ITSUMI's laundry machine.
・It is possible to easily carry out wet cleaning by
using a dedicated program concurrently.
・Swinging laundry method prevents yielding wrinkles
a clothing.